Post Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:27 pm

Team Evike NZ Fun Shoot Christchurch!

Hi everyone.
Team Evike NZ is holding a Fun skills stand day out at the front forestry area at Ultimate PaintBall on Saturday 25th August.
We have 6 stands running with different types of shoots on all. you will go through singular at first but later in the day we will run double teams ect.
There will be a team arena event if time allows as well.
It starts smack on 10.00am so please be there ready to go.
The cost of $10.00 paid at registration will go towards a BBQ lunch and a donation to the ultimate paintball field for the area.
There will be prizes for top shooter and other things ect.

If your keen to come out please let me know in advance so your name can go on the shooters charts.